Cross belt sampler Control mode

Control mode

The sampler is divided into two states: local control and remote control.

In local control state is divided into local manual control mode and local automatic control mode.

Local manual control mode 

The “local/remote” selection switch is switched to the local position, and the “automatic/manual” selection switch is switched to the manual position. The sampler is in the local manual control mode. In this mode, the “point/sample/linkage” three-knob is switched to the point position, and the “sampling start” button is pressed. At this time, the sampler point start-up. This mode is used for the installation and debugging of the sampler, such as the motor rotation direction of thesampler and the positioning position of the proximity switch. After debugging, switch “point/sample/linkage” three knobs to the linkage position, at this time press the “sample start” button sampler for joint operation. The motor automatically stops at the position close to the switch after one cycle of operation. This state can test whether the approaching switch position of the sampling cutter is reasonable.

Local automatic control mode

In this mode, the sampler is in the local automatic control mode, in which the sampler takes sample according to the sampling interval set by the timer, automatically sampled when reach the time interval. If the laser sensor detect the material is not in set range, the sampler does not carry out the sampling work. When the time interval of sampling is come, the material is a set range, the sampler can carry out the automatic sampling work. In this mode, the sampler can interlock with the running signal of the main belt, the main belt does not run, and the sampler does not carry out automatic sampling.

Remote control mode 

The “on-site/remote” selection switch is rotated to a remote position and the “automatic/manual” selection switch is on an automatic position, where the sampler is in a remote automatic control mode. In this mode, the remote control system can send the remote start signal through the reserved terminal interface at the terminal in the cabinet. After the remote start-up signal is connected, the sampler takes sample according to the sampling interval set by the timer. At the same time, if the laser sensor detect that the material is not a set range, the sampler does not sample.In this mode, the sampler can interlock with the running signal of the large belt, the large belt does not run, and the sampler does not carry out automatic sampling

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