The basic procedure for establishing a sampling plan

The basic procedure for establishing a sampling plan is as follows:

a) Determine the coal source, batch size, and nominal maximum particle size;

b) Determine the parameters to be measured and the required sample types;

c) Deciding whether to use continuous sampling or intermittent sampling

d) Determine or assume the required precision

e) Deciding on the method of merging sub samples into a total sample and the method of sample preparation

f) Determine or assume the variability of coal, including primary sub sample variance, sampling unit variance, and sample preparation;

g) Determine the number of sampling units and the number of subsamples in the sampling unit

h) Determine the minimum mass of the total sample and the average minimum mass of the sub samples based on the nominal maximum particle size

i) Determine the sampling method and sampling basis: systematic sampling, random sampling, or hierarchical random sampling; Time based sampling or quality based sampling, and determine the sampling interval (min or t)

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